Dear Lawlor,

From the moment I saw you

I knew you would be my second home.

I knew I would spend countless of hours in your house…

Dribbling, shooting, running, sweating, crying, laughing, screaming, sleeping…

I knew you would bring me joy, and I knew you would bring me pain…

I knew you would introduce me to multiple house guests and visitors,

And I knew you would change my life just as you changed the lives

of those who came before me.

What I did not know, however, is that you would put me in a position to make history…

That you would provide me with the opportunity to give back to all of the players, fans, coaches, etc. who paved the way for a big-headed pinoy from Seattle…

And that you would allow me to help pave the way for those not far behind.

Tonight, I take the court with my brothers for one final time in your house…

Win, or lose, you have given me timeless memories, and I will forever be grateful…


I hope you prepared a feast for tonight because me and my brothers are hungry…

And we are ‘bout to EAT!

Dear Lawlor, thank you.

Love, Lil Mamba

Written March 4, 2017, before Senior Night.


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